Education for Undocumented Students

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Undocumented immigrants often elicit the images of Mexican immigrants illegally crossing the border by car or by foot. Many Americans may also think of the soccer field immigrants at the border of Tijuana and San Diego, or the immigrants running away from the drug lords. While majority of undocumented immigrants in California are from Mexico, there are a number of other countries that have immigrants finding refuge in America that reside in all states. Undocumented immigrants are a wide group that may encompass the following people groups: asylum-seeking refugees, migrants from war torn countries that are not under a refugee status, and those that arrive at our borders hoping for a better life in America than in their home country. While many do come from Central America, the following table illustrates that undocumented immigrants come from many countries around the world.

According to the National Immigration Law Center, an undocumented immigrant is a foreign national who entered the United States without proper documentation usually entering legally as a nonimmigrant but violated the terms of their status by staying in the United States without authorized permission (National Immigration

Law Center, 2003). Now, the Department of Homeland Security categories these undocumented immigrants as “unauthorized immigrants” in legal paperwork.

In 2010, there were approximately 1.23 million children entered the United States (Hoefer, Rytina, & Baker, 2010). Historically, the United States has granted amnesty towards these individuals, while introducing stricter policies in regards to employment. However, in recent years, with the states' budgets on the line, a slew of anti-immigrant laws have emerged into the political arena. Rece...

... middle of paper ..., C. V. (1999). Responding to Undocumented Children in the Schools. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

National Immigration Law Center. (2003). DREAM Act Reintroduced in Senate, Immigrants’ Rights Update, 17(5).

Passel, J. S. (2005). Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics. Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from

Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)

Porter, E. (2005). Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security with Billions. New York Times, April 5.

Simon, J. (1997). Errors about immigrants: The government spends much more on the

native born. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from

United States v. State of Arizona, No. 10-01413 (D. Ariz. prelim. Injunction granted July 28, 2010) appeal docketed, No. 10-16645 (9th Cir. July 29, 2010)

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