Frankenstein Reflection Essay

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Throughout the course of the book we see gradual changes in the emotional state of Victor’s creation. With each interaction with humans, we see anything good left in the creature being shrouded by this cloak of darkness. Almost every development we see him go through is based solely on trial and error rather than naturally knowing what he should or shouldn’t do. The creature begins his journey with many similarities to a child - he has no experience with human emotions of hate or anger, but in his first interaction with his creator is one full of fear and distrust. “I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart”, during this unfortunate introduction, was also when the creature realized he was doomed to be rejected time and time again (Shelley 42). Frankenstein’s “desire” became his worst nightmare, the disgust he felt was towards himself, although at the time he projected it on his own creation. He was a brand new person that “learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses”; his first experience someone similar to him …show more content…

However, Victor fails to keep his promise sending his creature on a quest for revenge. The creature only mirrors the violence he has been met with since he was created. He gets revenge on Victor not only by killing his wife, but by allowing him to live with the guilt of knowing that she died at the hands of his own creation - a complex way of thinking that the creature we met at the beginning of the story would never have come up

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