Analysis Of Lev Vygotsky Zone Of Proximal Development

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Let’s take a minute and pretend we are in the middle ages where schools are for wealthy men, or religious patrons. No one is learning to read or calculate math problems, they simply existed. But then how were humans able to advance in such ways we thought would be impossible back then? Well the answer is simple people advanced emotionally and socially before they did mentally. In the emotional aspect people went from arranged marriages that were considered only business propositions to falling in love and marrying someone because they are your soul mate. We also were able to advance and spread new ideas around the world by talking to others at the market or around town. One idea from a simple peddler could have been spread to a knight who …show more content…

Lev Vygotsky Zone of Proximal development explored the idea that children spend significant amount of time learning new words and how to use them in context. He called this stage “self-talk” when a child would talk internally to themselves learn the meaning and then recall the word later in a conversation. A child participating in acting would be able to learn new words from scripts or use words they wouldn’t normally use in their everyday life. Albert Banduras theory’s also being exercised with this activity because the child is watching how other react to what they say and do. They must pay special attention to what they say and do to get the response they want. Bandura believed that how a person acts is based on the environment of the child and their cognitive abilities. So if a child learns now that they will not always get what they want, later down the road their reaction will be different if they see how to react rather than naturally reacting. Here’s an example a child sees another student crying because their ice cream fell on the floor. The child having a meltdown is ignoring the fact that the adult is trying to fix the situation by getting him another scoop while the child observing sees this and recognizes the problem solving skill the adult has. There for later down the line if that child that was watching spills something they will know not to have a melt down because it can be easily fixed. Hence the saying “don’t cry over spilt milk”. As for the painting exercise the child would be working on their cognitive development skills because they would be recognizing how others feel and how they feel. They would also have to exemplify this in their

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