Compare And Contrast Elastic Clause And The Commerce Clause

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Throughout the course of time the elastic clause and the commerce clause has been utilized in court cases and arguments. With time the clauses have changed the fit into the change of society. As represented by various court cases. A variation of interpretations has been drawn out within the time frame of its establishment. A loose and strict interpretation has been implemented in the constitution depending on point of views. Although, the interpretation of the constitution is strictly restricted to the Judicial Branch as concluded in the court case Marbury Versus Madison. The elastic clause is known as congress has the power to do what is “Necessary and Proper”. In contrast, commerce clause is, often, limited with concerning trading issues. Thus concluding, the Elastic Clause has more power rather than the Commerce clause. The Commerce Clause is referred to as an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution. The clause states that the United States Congress …show more content…

New Court rises as well as new found interpretation and modifications. However, the effect of the Commerce Clause has varied significantly depending on the Supreme Court 's interpretation. Moreover, making the Commerce power is limited. As shown in various cases; the Elastic Clause hold within power. Granted that gives a looser interpretation for congress to work with. In the court case Maryland Versus McCulloch, left Congress with the power to control the traffic as it crossed the state line giving congress power of Commerce. This court case expanded the power of the Commerce Clause vastly, but, not sufficient enough to hold more power against the Elastic Clause. Although, many might object claiming the commerce clause is more powerful the issue is the clause is restricted towards solely commerce. Once again the Elastic Clause states congress can do what they deem necessary and

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