The Effects of Video Games on Children

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Introduction For more than 30 years, video gaming has been a popular activity amongst many of America’s children. With over $63 billion (Reuters, worth sold each year, video games are here to stay. While much controversy has arisen over the subject, video games have benefited the United States of America and its citizens to a great degree. For example, the military and CIA use gaming to train soldiers (Davidson,, and classrooms use video games to teach students. The potential is infinite. Some studies demonstrate video game usage improves certain mental functions. However, when exposed to violent video games, some people develop to antisocial and aggressive behavior. In order to understand the potential benefits and dangers of video games and to make informed purchasing decisions, it is important to consider the history of video games, their military uses, their educational value, and the effects they have on the brain. History In 1986, the video game industry was failing miserably, with a meager $100 million total value. Then, Nintendo, initially a trading card company, released the Nintendo Entertainment System, reviving the video game industry from its imminent death. With hits such as "Super Mario Brothers" and "Adventure Island", sales skyrocketed preventing video games from just being a passing fad. Technologic advancements and novel ideas such as glasses-free 3D, Kinect body tracking, and augmented reality help make the video game industry one of the largest industries on the planet. These technologies are presently utilized by institutions such as NASA, military, the public school system, and the CIA in addition to being simple entertaining pastimes. Video game technology is visible and integra... ... middle of paper ... ... games can desensitize a person to violence, many video games can be a fun and even educational experience. Used to train soldiers, proven to stimulate the brain, video games have a reputation for being one of the first entertainment sources people go to and benefiting the player at the same time. Video games should be recognized as an educational, healthy experience, not an unsocial experience that can harm the mind of our youth! Studies have proven that many, many video games can help players in many ways – stimulating the brain, educating and getting kids involved in large projects would be some examples. While some video games harm the mind, players can be equipped with the knowledge necessary to avoid such games. While violent games can desensitize a player to violence, video games are the most efficient way to relay information to a naturally captive audience.

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