The Side Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

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With the rise of automation has brought great competition for human workers, with the increased need to outperform their robotic counterparts. Sleep has been cast aside as a second thought when really it should be the foremost priority. Sleep determines how society operates for a third of a human’s life they are asleep, and everything is based around this fact. With sleep being such an integral part of everyday life some struggle to get enough of it. With the dynamics of career, becoming ever more exceedingly strenuous sleep has become a luxury that some cannot afford. The issue is that with the high demands of jobs, not having enough sleep can lead to disastrous results that may leave a life in treacherous danger. Knowing what to expect when …show more content…

One of the numerous effects that sleep deprivation has on physiology is weight gain. When sleeping the body uses the time to regulate hormones that determine hunger. If the sleep deprived do not provide the body enough time to rest and regulate the following days can be a shamble of poor food choice and overeating. Another side effect of sleep deprivation is fatigue. Fatigue may not seem like a minor inconvenience, but it’s not, its effect can have dire consequences and can lead to major issues when in a job that requires constant vigilance. There is but another side effect that sleep deprivation has on physical wellbeing and that is a major decline in reaction time. Reaction time is a critical component of high stakes jobs like the medical field, where in a person can die if mistakes are made. Finally the last effect that sleep deprivation has on the physical aspect of the body is a reduction in work efficiency, with a reduction in work efficiency comes many issues a high stakes job is on the line like construction because falling behind can cost millions. Sleep effects not only the physical aspects of the body it also causes great harm to the …show more content…

Sleep is crucial to everyday life and the lack of it can have profound effects, the problem is solving it because its not all rainbows and butterfly its hard work. Fixing the issues not only will have an effect on how the individual performs it will also have an effect on how the society as a whole performs. One such solution apples to mangers in high hazard jobs like medicine, according to Donna Middaugh "Managers can reduce risks associated with sleep deprivation and nurse fatigue by doing the following, Creating a culture that allows nurses to state they are tired, and take a short nap or walk outside without fear of reprimand". Sleep is not just some secondary idea that can be another reason its cause it the environment that one sleeps in, the artificial light of technology confuses the brain into thinking its day and this destroys sleep. Sleep needs to be a priority on everybody 's mind, it 's not some after thought that can be avoided it has real consequences that need to be address if society is to remain standing. Destroying the conventional system of work and even play may be needed to keep sanity and health

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