Effects Of Single Parent Homes

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1-3 of American children, a total of 15 million are being raised without a father. The main reasons for that are either the father was abusive to the mother while together and/or married, she’s a widow or the father walked out. In single parenting homes children are more likely to have more responsibilities, behavior, possibly drop out of school, have or cause a teen pregnancy, possible runaway and to experience a divorce later on in life. The average child today is expected to live apart from at least one parent before adulthood. I will discussing the impact dealing with a single parent home can cause on a child or children. Starting with the responsibilities that the child or children have to take on when being raised in a single parent home. …show more content…

The oldest child would not be able to really be a child and have freedom like they should, it causes stress when children their age are outside playing and having fun. The mother would pretty much label them as the “helper” when not around. Second, some children may have to drop out of school because their parent is struggling to keep the house hold a float with mouths to feed, clothes to buy and bills to pay. That’s adding more stress to the child and not being able to handle both going to school and working to help the family, that’s when a choice is made and the child will drop out of school or will start trying to do online classes. Ends may be meeting after, but the child will be affected later in life. Statistics prove 71% percent of high school drop- outs are fatherless homes. Sometimes when the stress is too much on the child/children it can cause them to act out at home or school. When being a single parent it can be challenging trying to discipline a child when they act out, especially when a woman is raising a son. 85% of children with develop a behavior disorder when they are 10 to 16 in age.

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