The Effects of Performing Schools on Children

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When he is 5 or 4, most of child dreamed about 'being movie star when grow up' because it is fantastic to known by everyone and being a hero in the movie for children. Parents want their children to do some good jobs that tempts other people and they want to be proud of their children. So when their children are at this age, they direct them to the art performing schools. To a certain extent it might be beneficial for kids to develop communication skills, personality and knowledge about health but as well as these positive sides forcing children to become to be part of this show may come with some problems. At first it seems to your child is developing himself, he joins social activities, he gains more confident and he is good at communication with people. Then the moment comes and your child be famous thanks to his talent. Parents may think their children will be at a better position and thet encourage them without thinking the future but thus they just push their children into the unknown. The entertainment industry is not for kids because they do not know how to entertain others other than entertaining themselves because as stated in the book How to Live the Good Life by Commander Edward Whitehead “An educated man has been defined as one who can entertain himself, one who can entertain another, and one who can entertain a new idea.” a child is at developing age and he is not an educated man. If a child is talented, he can improve that talent, get polished, until the right age comes then he can start entertain others. When he is join theentertainment ındustry without entertainment it effects his educational skills and psychology, social skills and earning to much money, which can give birth abusing by his their own parents. ...

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...ld bring the charges against being child performer and continuously monitor the entertainment sector.

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