Case Study Of A Good Discharge Planning And Post Discharge Care

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A Good Discharge Planning and Post Discharge Care:

Case study outline:

I had a patient namely Mrs J a 86-year-old lady admitted to my ward for right fracture neck of femur secondary to fall. Being a ward manager I had a robust discharge care plan done for Mr J and was discharged after 7 days admission with a good care package.
I was very much concerned about her discharge planning on admission especially that comes with a fracture and a fall. I had a chat with him regarding his social status and found out that he lives alone in a three-bed house, toilet upstairs, independent with activity of daily living, got good support from family and friends. I thought at this first point of contact with hospital, I should start the discharge …show more content…

Hospital must develop a team with consultant and multidisciplinary team for inputs clearly focussing on safe discharge to avoid hospital admission and fail discharges (Health Foundation 2013b; Fox et al 2013)

For those who need hospital admission, the focus should be on anticipated discharge date, clear clinical criteria needed for admission in the right ward, and the right team for timely assessment (Royal College of Physicians 2012a; Emergency Care Intensive Support Team 2011; British Geriatrics Society 2012b). In my case study, the patient was admitted to the specialised ward for fracture neck of femur patients only and the need to consider why he had a fall at home certainly needs some thought.

Study shows good success in safe discharge planning with informed discharge decision, will reduce hospital readmission (Bauer et al 2009). However, poor experience of failed discharge is being cited in numerous reports ((Francis 2013). Hospital discharge team must ensure that patient and their carer 's expectation are managed and discharge team are able to identifying the goals and concerns in a timely manner to avoid any further delay in discharge process. Care co-ordinator should lead the discharge process and they should be the families ' first point of contact. Patient with known Alzheimer 's, dementia should have written information to ensure that personal information is availibable

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