Effects Of Immigration On The Economy

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Literature Review What is the effect of immigration on the United States economy? Illegal immigration has many diverse effects on the United States economy. Some people argue that the negative outweigh the positive, but there is no doubt that immigrants do carry a critical role. There are undoubtedly negative consequences of immigration for people native to America. Most of these problems are rooted in the fact that immigrants take jobs that could be filled by Americans, while so many Americans are still unemployed. According to “Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?”, published by New York Times, “Undocumented workers have lowered the wages of U.S. adults without a diploma - twenty-f25 million of them - by anywhere between …show more content…

Probably the largest contribution that immigrants given America’s economy - whether they are illegal or legal - is that they spend the money that they earn and put it back into the economy (Davidson). According to Costa, Cooper, and Shierholz, “immigrants’ share of total output was about 14.7 percent over 2009-2011.” This is true even though they make up 13 percent of the total U.S. population, because a majority of immigrants are working age, compared to the diverse ages of the general U.S. population (Costa, Cooper, Shierholz). Another point that is brought up in “An Immigration Stimulus: The Economic Benefits of a Legalization Program” is that if the U.S. legalizes more “illegal” immigrants, they are then able to earn more. When Immigrants are able to earn more, they can then pay more in taxes, and their ability to spend more money to put it back in the economy grows (“An Immigration Stimulus: The Economic Benefits of a Legalization Program”). And on the point of Social Security, illegal immigrants have contributed $15 million a year to the Social Security Trust fund. And while they are contributing such a large amount to Social Security, very few of them are able to get the benefits from it (Davidson). So as a group, they are giving much more into the Social Security system than they are taking out. After taking into account all of …show more content…

The family members that are considered are immediate family. However, there are limits on the number of certain family members that are admitted each year based on their relationship with the American citizen. Spouses, children that are minors, and parents of the United States citizen are brought in on an unlimited number, but everyone else is limited in some way. But there has to be a separate petition for each family member that wants to be granted access to the country. (“An Immigration Stimulus”). Just like any other form of granting access to the United States, there are a few obstacles, but the reward of being admitted makes up for

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