Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel And Unnecessary?

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The development of modern technologies has allowed for the advancement of society, but some practices of older times still remain. Food was originally obtained through either hunting or gathering before the common era of agricultures. While hunting is not as prevalent in today’s world, it is still a tradition that is partaken in. Hunting is not as prevalent due progressing society, but it is also due in part to the controversy surrounding the activity. Opponents of hunting not only believe that it is cruel, but it also destroys habitat and decreases wildlife populations endangering species. Although many believe hunting is destructive in many aspects, hunting provides crucial benefits to the economy, government, and environment. Merriam-Webster defines hunting as “the activity or sport of chasing and killing wild animals.” Whether hunting takes place in the wetlands of the Florida Everglades or in the forests of the Rocky …show more content…

“Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary” asserts “natural predators help maintain this balance by killing only the sickest and weakest individuals.” This is the key concept of natural selection that has proven effective throughout history; however, the introduction of invasive and nonnative species can cause an imbalance in population. Opponents would suggest banning hunting in order to allow populations to return to their natural number, but this ban has been proven ineffective in African counties. “How Hunting Helps Wildlife” outlines the detrimental effects a hunting ban can have on wildlife’s population. At one point in time Kenya banned hunting but reinstated hunting as 70 percent had been poached. The laws and regulations in place allowed the populations to be renewed, rising to their original numbers. While banning hunting may sound promising, it has the opposite effect of what is

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