The Importance Of Head Start

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I chose head start as my topic, I chose this because I think that Head Start is something that can really benefit the children and how you are starting them in a positive learning experience that can affect the student throughout their life. I also chose this because I think that it can really impact the students on how they learn throughout their lives. It is also beneficial for the parents to learn about how they can help children become better students.
Gichuru, M., Riley, J. G., Robertson, J., & Park, M. (2015). Perceptions of Head Start Teachers about Culturally Relevant Practice. Multicultural Education, 22(2), 46-50.
In this article it talks about how there are many different cultural and social backgrounds in the preschool classroom. If the teacher takes in consideration of the different backgrounds, it will help the students get a better education and will be able to connect with prior experience that the student has. The teachers who can provide the experiences can better create a bridge between home and school that will help them get a better understanding of what is happening in the classroom. Teachers’ ability to implement the different cultures will have more student success in the classroom. It helps the students learn more about their culture and to make the connection faster. It also helps the students see the worth about the …show more content…

It helps the students get prepared by making sure that they have the tools that they need to learn. It also helps make sure that the student learns about the teacher and student relationship and how a teacher can help the students. It also gives the teachers a time to find out the student’s induvial needs and what they can do to help the student with their ability learn. It gives the students have a more school readiness, then the ones who did

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