Effects Of Exercise On Blood Pressure

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Our experiment tested the effects of exercise on blood pressure. My partners and I would measure a test subject’s blood pressure after they had completed three exercises, walking, jumping, and performing jumping jacks until their blood pressure gauge reached 50 mmHg. We recorded jogging with the greatest change in both systolic (change in 26) and diastolic rate (change in 8). Our hypothesis was wrong as we thought jumping jacks would cause the great change as it requires the exercise of the entire body including all four limbs. “While doctors try to prevent coronary disease by treating high blood pressure and high cholesterol, it 's not 100 percent effective. If there are warning symptoms like angina with exercise, there is enough time to see a doctor and get started on effective treatments that reduce risk. Having a heart attack causes permanent damage, even if it doesn 't kill you.” - Mark Hlatky, Professor of Health Research and Policy (Health Services) and of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) at Stanford University Blood Pressure What is it? First of all blood pressure, is the force of blood in the circulatory system and is calculated by measuring pressure and heartbeat rate and size of arteries. Systolic blood pressure is computation contractions of heart as it sends blood through the arteries. A normal systolic blood pressure is under …show more content…

We also conversed over the daily factors that can ultimately affect a person’s blood pressure, in which I have taken a keen interest. Since, we as humans are constantly moving and contorting our bodies into different positions such as walking and running. This conjecture is especially true when it comes to fitness which, gave me the idea of “How does exercising moves affect blood

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