The Negative Effects Of Divorce On The Family

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Many Americans would be shock to learn that “in America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds. That’s nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week and 876000 divorces a year” (32 Shocking). Divorce causes many negative effects and has become too accepted in society. Children and parents are affected physically through the divorce process. There are psychological effects for the members of the family that are involved. The negative impacts on the family’s future life should be taken into consideration. Children and parents are both affected physically by divorce, but in different ways. Children of divorced parents are more likely to engage in sexual activity at a younger age: “Adolescent females from divorced families …show more content…

As a whole, “twenty-eight percent of children living with a divorced parent live in a household with an income below the poverty line” (32 Shocking). This is not only bad for the household, but for the nation’s economy. Since “seventy-five percent of children with divorced parents live with their mother,” (32 Shocking) the study done by American Sociological Review that “on average, women’s standard of living declines by 27 percent while men’s standard of living increases by 10 percent following divorce” (McDermott 515) is a major concern of divorce. This is not helping the children’s well-being following the divorce. As the idea of divorce appears in the family, one parent moves out of the family’s home. This parent has a lot to think about when deciding to relocate. The financial situation that is about to occur, school locations, and the area of his or her occupation. When relocating the divorced families “move more often to new residences and to poorer neighborhoods” (Portnoy 127). The children suffer yet again from another loss in their social standings. All of the negative effects lead to other effects to create a circle of divorce

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