Bullying In The Workplace Essay

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Bullying comes in many forms that may include verbal and physical abuse, humiliation, and intimation through abuse of power in the workplace. Sadly, the bully feeds his own ego and allows the demons, deep inside his soul to take control of his mind and body without any remorse for his actions as he harms others.
Verbal abuse can be exhibited when the biggest kid on the block openly picks on the smaller and weaker kids and repeatedly calls them “stupid”. Over time, this repeated abuse can cause some weaker victims to withdraw within themselves to a point of committing suicide. Physical abuse can stem from an arguing couple where the stronger and the more dominant party maintains regular control, of his partner, usually by striking with an open or closed fist causing great bodily injury. Often, humiliation and intimation is used, in the …show more content…

This form of bullying is abusing the power and authoritive boundaries that are bestowed upon those who are considered leaders and role models for others to follow. Unfortunately, bullying occurs in every

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