The Effects of a High Global Population

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“I would be absolutely astounded if population growth and industrialization and all the stuff we are pumping into the atmosphere hadn't changed the climatic balance. Of course it has. There is no valid argument for denial.” -David Attenborough
There has been a growing trend established with the growing population seen in hunger, warfare, and pollution: they are all rising. It is expected that earth’s population will rise to nine billion by 2050, and to ten billion by 2100. It can only be assumed that along with a higher population, more people will go hungry, more countries will go to war, and population will be the highest the world has ever seen. Pollution, hunger, and warfare have no exact date as to when they began. We do know, however, that these are concepts seen in humans, and can date back to when humans began, about 200,000 years ago. With more people, comes more litter and hazardous waste being pumped into the atmosphere, a rise in differing opinions, and not a sufficient amount of food to feed everyone. Pollution, warfare, and hunger are caused by a high global population.
With an increase in population there is bound to be an increase in warfare. One main cause of war is very diverse opinions, such as religion and cultural beliefs. More people will lead to raised amounts of varied opinions on such subjects, thus boosting warfare. The Korean War can be taken for example. North Korea was a communist country, trying to force South Korea to acquire the same form of government. South Korea, which clearly disagreed, fought back. Another prime example is the Philippines. They were controlled under Spain for 334 years, until in 1898 when the United States took it over in the Spanish-American war. A year later, the ...

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...nue to get stomachaches from being too full in a sharp contrast to the stomachache to those who do not get enough. It seems that as our brains continue to evolve and we become smarter, one thing remains the same: our will to do as little as possible.

Works Cited
"David Attenborough." Xplore Inc, 2013. 28 September 2013.
“U.N.: Earth's population to hit 9 billion by 2050, 10 billion by 2100.” Turner Broadcasting System Inc, 2013. 28 September 2013. "A Brief History of The Philippines." A Brief History of The Philippines. 12 Nov. 2013 "World Food Programme Fighting Hunger Worldwide." Hunger Statistics. 12 Nov. 2013

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