The Effectiveness of Capital Punishment

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The Effectiveness of Capital Punishment

Is Capital Punishment an effective penalty? Yes. It protects society

and keeps order in it as well. Capital Punishment does not stop people

from killing one another. However, the only thing it mainly does is

stopping a known killer from killing more innocent people. I believe

that it is a just and efficacious punishment for those who commit

crimes bad enough to deserve death.

Now does the death penalty truly deter crimes and murder? This

question is in the center of a big political controversy over this

topic. Some people oppose the death penalty because of the many people

on death row today. Statistics also state that states with capital

punishment have a higher crime rate then those that do not. Therefore,

it is not an effective penalty, it is ineffective and a waist of our

hard earned tax dollars. This process costs between 500,000 to

1,000,000 dollars annually. I have to say that the states that have

capital punishment are usually urbanized areas that have high crime

rates because of the enormous population. Rather, in rural states

there is no need for the death penalty because everyone is scattered

around and the population is not as big.

Abolitionists explain that capital punishment is a racist penalty.

They say it is only given to the minorities. It is not fair to say

that because the sad fact is that the majority of the people on death

row are blacks and whites. There are approximately 3,000 for both

ethnic groups and the closest group after that is the Hispanic's with

about 200. I think it is wrong to be racist, but if they get caught,

no matter their race they should be sente...

... middle of paper ...

...ugh some

say that as long as a state keeps killing, we are sending a message

that killing is a way to solve problems. I personally say that capital

punishment is correct in the sense that it is a last resort. We must

fight " fire with fire". We will never have a perfect society because;

there will always be some kind of evil. The best we can do is "put our

foot down to evil".

I still have to say that the death penalty is the most effective means

of crime deterrent as you can see. It not only punishes those who

commit these crimes, but also prevents future crimes by striking

terror in the would-be murderer's mind with the consequences he would

have to face for his actions. It has been proven to be effective

throughout history, as long as people keep committing crimes; I don't

think it will ever cease being around.

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