Effective Teaching Strategies

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Reflection Item Two:

‘Adapting the curriculum and effective teaching strategies’

Question: Discuss in detail ways that teachers can set up the learning environment in order to maximise teaching and learning, and the advantages and disadvantages that belong with such implementation.

In our teaching careers, the biggest achievement we can make; is to succeed in creating a supportive environment which nurtures the emotional, physical, social and intellectual developmental needs of each and every one of our students.

Belonging to an inclusive educational setting as a supportive teacher, means we can encourage our students to flourish and grow into successful and achieving individuals. In an article by Ashman & Elkins, (2008) discussing Inclusive Education, they discuss the progression of Inclusive Education as being underpinned by a schools responsibility to operate as a ‘supportive and cooperative entity where the rights of every member of the community is acknowledged and respected’. Collaborating with the wider community extends an educators band of opportunities to greater develop their students in a style which is individually suiting. The focus of this reflection article is the importance of collaboration within the educational community and the positive outcomes that can be achieved from doing so. This will be supported by texts and journal articles.

From the time a child is born, it is a parent’s duty not only to feed, care and nurture their child, but to also support their emotional, social, physical, financial and psychological needs. As a teacher, our role is quite similar. In an article discussing the relationship between parents and the school environment, Finders and Lewis, (1994) found that, too often, the ...

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...Don't Give Up! Practical Strategies for Challenging Collaborations

Teaching Exceptional Children

Volume 39, pg 7; Jul/Aug 2007

Retrieved March 17, 2010, from ProQuest Education Journals on the Learning at Griffith Database.

Koppang, A., (2004).

Curriculum Mapping: Building Collaboration and Communication

Intervention in School and Clinic Journal

Volume. 39, pg 158-160

Retrieved March 17, 2010 from the Sage Online Journal Database

Ripley, S., (1998)

Teaching Strategies: Colaboration beween general and special education teachers.

Journal of Early Education and Family Review

Volume 5, pg. 7

(As cited Cramer, S., & Stivers, J. (2007), pp 7)

Tomlinson, C.A., (2001) How to differentiate instruction in a mixed ability classroom (2nd ed. ) Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

(As cited in Batt, K., & Lewis, S., (2005), pg 27)

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