Effective Discharge Teaching for Nurses

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One must understand that patients who are prescribed warfarin are at a high risk of bleeding. According to Sanderson et al. (2009) “many patients were unable to link known risk factors as contributing” to DVT to their therapist (p. 25). Although patients are admitted for major lower extremity surgeries, some of these patients also have chronic diseases, such as cerebral vascular accident (CVA), coronary artery disease, diabetes, cardiac, renal disease, and obesity and might take a complex medication regimen. Therefore, these patients require a major understanding of detailed discharge education of medication regimen, side effects, and interactions to prevent them from suffering complications. Furthermore, Campbell and Selton (2010) claimed that patients mostly misunderstand the interactions of some foods that are rich in vitamin K with warfarin (p. 373). Most are unaware of the consciousness and complications foods that are high in vitamin K brings to their current health status. Clinents also lack the knowledge of the need to adjust their warfarin dosing and monitoring of the International Normalization Ratio (INR) level. Although nurses do give a quick verbal instruction such as, informing patients to immediately report to provider if they observe bruises on skin, excessive gum bleeding or blood in urine, patients fail to fully understand the danger of taking anticoagulants medications. Campbell and Selton (2010) explain that patients’ discharge teaching about the complication of warfarin is inadequate and “ failure to follow prescribed medication, and simple lack of understanding Coumadin therapy often results in re-hospitalized soon after discharge”(p.374). The research further confirmed that since “Hemorrhagic compl...

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Is "teach-back" associated with knowledge retention and hospital readmission in hospitalized heart failure patients?
White M. Garbez R. Carroll M. Brinker E. Howie-Esquivel J.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 28(2):137-46, 2013 Mar-Apr.
[Journal Article]
UI: 22580624
Authors Full Name
White, Matthew; Garbez, Roxanne; Carroll, Maureen; Brinker, Eileen; Howie-Esquivel, Jill.

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