Effect of Temperature on Flowering of Phalaenopsis Orchids

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Phalaenopsis orchids are one of the most profitable potted crops that are produced all over the world because they are having longest flower life. These orchids are also known as moth orchids. Large-scale production of these orchids is in The Netherlands, China, Germany and Taiwan. These species generally grow in monsoon areas and possess adaptation to dry and wet cycles. These species exhibits lithophytic and obligate terrestrial habitat of tree species of Esmeralda and Phalaenopsis amabilis subsp rosenstromii. They are found all over tropical Asia and islands of the Pacific Ocean. In the North, They exist in Taiwan, Philippines, and China. Their distribution extends over south India, Sri Lanka, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. This orchids generally grown in regions where the ambient temperature is greater than 280C. The roots of Palaenopsis exist in three kind’s namely epiphytic, substrate, prostrate and aerial. Leaves of this species are fleshy and succulent in nature. These higher temperatures generally inhibit the process of flower initiation. The night temperatures ranging from 250C in the day and 200C at night initiates flowering.
Invitro acclimatization is controlled by Relative humidity and is the major factor involved in altering morphological, physiological and biochemical characters of the plants that are transferred in vivo.
The objective of the current project is to understand whether nocturnal or daytime temperatures affect the flowering mechanism in Phalaenopsis orchid. The family Orchidaceae is a largest angiosperm family, which contains about 25000 species distributed over 859 genera. These orchid species are available worldwide except Antarctica and elevated habitats with higher gradients. Cymbidium, Oncidium,...

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...ts the flower formation. These types of strategy used by many farmers have an important economic impact since most of the energy for maintaining green house is at night. There is a need of further research developments in this area to link the minimum exposure during day and magnitude at higher temperatures .in inhibiting the process of flowering. The flowering time is less at 230C, but the number of buds per plant and inflorescences is low at cool temperatures..

Works Cited

Wang, YT. Temperature during the day, but not during the night,controls flowering of Phalaenopsis orchids Journal of Experimental Botany (2006) 15.15: 4043-4049.
Suriyan, Cha-um.Effects of temperature and relative humidity during in vitro acclimatization, on physiological changes and growth characters of Phalaenopsis adapted to in vivo Australian Journal of Crop Science (2010) 4.9: 750-756.

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