Persuasive Speech On Peer Pressure

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“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” (Dr.Seuss). Society often thinks of peer pressure as a negative implement. Often times the community imagines peer pressure as teen influencing one another to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sexual intercourse. But really all peer pressure is, is the encouragement of changing values and behaviors of an individual. Peer pressure can be thought of as positive for teens, because it allows and individual to become a leader in an environment, strong encouragement to work hard in school, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Teenagers become caught up with following peers, because the decision is made to become involved in experimental activities by choice. On the other hand, peer pressure in teens can allow mature growth in the student, because the individual can them become a leader within an environment in a positive manner. According to, “Getting to know lots of different people- …show more content…

Whether it be by staying fit or staying away from social media; these ideas are all important to a growing, and maturing individual. Nonetheless, the ideas listed all impact a personage to work hard at all times. Starting these habits and staying around others with the same mindset at a young age can rule in a positive future. Advocates stated in an article, “…found that teens are more likely to listen to positive messages when they come from those in their own age” (Ziegler). In a past interview with my father on the topic, he mentioned, “I have always been the person that has not gotten too involved in social media, nor hanging around with the wrong crowd. But, associating with those that wanted to accomplish the same goals as I did; plus the same age as me, led me to success later on down the road” (Staying Focused). Focusing on the goals at hand; having a clean mindset; and leading a healthy lifestyle, will lead to succession for many

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