Effect of Music in Adolescent Development

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It has been known for some time that music plays a vital role in the lives of people, especially in the lives of adolescents. Music has been found to not only serves as entertainment but also serves to help regulate one’s emotions and help form a sense of identity. The need for emotional regulation and the formation of identity is at peaks in adolescence; a period in which a large part of one’s life is dedicated to music. Various studies have shown that due to music’s role in adolescents is important for it helps with an adolescent’s autonomy development which then can lead to an increase in the adolescent’s happiness. What a group of researchers at Ottawa University have been researching has been the relationship between music and global happiness. Aware that music helps boost happiness, researchers at Ottawa University looked to find if there is a connection between listening to music and an adolescent’s global happiness. Global happiness, also known as subjective well-being (SWB), is an evaluation of one’s quality of life. The areas taken into account in global happiness may consist of an individual’s evaluation of their personal, subjective, and global quality of life. An individual’s evaluation of their subjective well-being can be altered by their personality, financial stability and psychosocial prosperity. When taking into consideration the effects that music has on the lives adolescents, there exists the possibility that music also affects their overall global happiness. To test the relationship between music and global scientist of Ottawa University researches conduct a study on a group of undergraduate students who were attending a Canadian university. After selecting students and narrowing down the participants, res... ... middle of paper ... ...d. In the study the number of female participants do the difference between males and female perspectives and emotions were not taken into account. The information that was gathered for the study was self-reported by the participants and there were no interviews or outside observers to study the subjects. While the study did assist in determining what is the connection between music and global happiness it is important to note that the study was not representational of the adolescent population in Canada or of anywhere else in the world and so it would be wise to perform further studies. Works Consulted Morinville, Amélie, Dave Miranda, and Patrick Gaudreau. "Music Listening Motivation Is Associated With Global Happiness In Canadian Late Adolescents." Psychology Of Aesthetics, Creativity, And The Arts 7.4 (2013): 384-390. PsycARTICLES. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.

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