Essay On Inequality In Education

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Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can change the world with. There could be many natural born leaders that could change the world, but without the right rein and Inequality in Education by Kevin D. Williamson. These articles focus on the inequality in education in the United States. The United States has an education how could they lead today into a better tomorrow. Educational inequality is a big problem that is limiting so many people that is talented These problems are brought out in the articles What Will Decrease Educational Inequality by Adam Gamoreat educational system, and it improves by: having a smaller gap between the rich and the poor people in the United States, listening to the poor, not imagine what the poor …show more content…

This great experience for children is because, “a century ago, the ‘school to the parents’ movement in the Netherlands… [that established] a system of education” (Williamson, 2). Most Americans would agree with the Netherland’s education system because everyone wants a better education for their children and young adults. Compared to the Netherland’s education system, the USA’s educational system is lagging behind. It is because people living in poverty stricken communities does not think about their child’s education too much because they have to work three shifts a day in order to earn enough money to put food on the table. The middle and rich classes of Americans do not feel that it is an urgent problem that needs fixing because they have enough money and time to improve their child’s academic skills with tutors, after schools, summer schools, and time to personally spend with their child and work on homework or study before a test . The problem of not having education as a priority makes the ever increasing gap of social inequality increase even more. One way to fix this problem is to persuade the government to make a special budget for classes during summer for the students that want to do better in

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