Persuasive Essay On Education

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Aside from this many people still argue that there is not a gap in education. Education is fair, america is fair. If a boy living Chicago, well below the poverty line, wants an education he can get it! That’s true he can get that education, but, odds are he won’t. This is not because he can’t, it is because of endless odds stacked against him. Heaps of barriers for him to climb over where an affluent child walks right around. The issue is not if education is possible, it’s if it is fair. Education starts in the home and with no role models, no money for extra help, and worries far beyond the next math test. It’s not reasonable. For some children, even if they do care, they still don’t have the money for college. Making this so called gap …show more content…

Home life often starts a child down one path or another, but once inside the education system things skew even father in favor of some children than others. School is the one place that is supposed to level the playing field. At a first glance it may seem that way. Many students enter the same system or even that same building. As we take a closer look though, disparity arrises. Funding in public schools is far from equal. Students enter through the same door but once inside they take very different paths (Godsey). One of the biggest factors in this separation of education is the unequal distribution of money. A difference of 15% financing sits between the richest and the poorest communities. That comes to 1,500 per student, and the gap is growing. The problem, however, is not with national funding, but with local funding. As you could probably guess the wealthier a neighborhood is the more they value education and the more they want to spend on it (Barshay). The real problem is that the wealthy, who want money going to the wealthy schools, are the ones in the education system. Creating the well known scenario of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer …show more content…

Through generations these groups will start to catch up. The great thing about education is it has the ability to close gaps more effectively than anything else. If poor children become more educated they will in turn have more money, and then contribute more to society. So to solve this problem becomes the hardest part. There is no clear or easily solution or it would not be a problem in the first place. The fact that seventy five percent of students attend the closest school to their home means that housing location is school location for most children. One of the solutions is to integrate schools we need to integrate the neighborhoods. A way to do this is on new developments have multiple types of housing available. Some housing can be for rich homeowners, but other housing in the area has to be set aside for the working class. Another proposed solution is to have an incentive for families to integrate. In this system every school would be a magnet school. A magnet school is a specialized school in one area, for example engineering, music, or the arts. Then parents could then voice which school they want their child to attend. Finally, children would be placed in school with consideration to their choice of school and integration, looking at free and reduced lunch

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