Economic Crisis

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Starting from the problems of failure to pay housing loans (subprime mortgage defaults) in the United States (U.S.), then bubbled damaging crisis banking system not only in America but expanded to Europe and to Asia. Successive causes a domino effect of the solvency and liquidity of financial institutions in these countries, which among others led to the bankruptcy of hundreds of banks, securities firms, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance. The crisis then spread to parts of Asia, especially countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, including Indonesia, which happens to have long had precious letters these companies.

Of the various criticisms of the experts, that the problem was triggered rampant price manipulation in the U.S. housing policies encouraged U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) are less pruden to stabilize the financial system since many years. This condition is motivated by a desire to maintain the demand for residential properties to remain high, then banks in the United States a lot of housing loans disbursed primarily for those in low income who do not have adequate financial capacity (ninja loan is a loan against the customer who no income, no job , & no assets). This housing credit and a hybrid disekuritisasi to make it more attractive to investors consisting of banks, securities firms, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance. Unfortunately, a lot of unpaid loans in large numbers and equitable. As a result, banks and the difficulties to pay investors quickly withdraw cash from banking products while prices are still high that this tie up the velocity of money in the mortgage market. This causes the structure of product markets are interrelated with each other to be dis...

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...gical impact on the community.

The bad condition of the world economy punctuated by the release of the Institute of International Monetary (IMF) on November 6, 2008 which predicts negative economic growth for the United States (-0.7), four countries in Europe (-0.5) and UK (-1.3 ) for the year 2009. There were decreasing trend growth of these countries since 2007 until 2009.

For Asian countries like China, Japan, and India as an icon of economic growth in Asia also did not escape the crisis hit. Based on the IMF forecast on 6 November 2008, Japan experienced negative growth (-0.2) in 2009. While China has decreased from 11.9% in 2007 to 9.7% in 2008 and predicted to continue falling to 8.5% in 2009. Similarly with India which experienced successive decreasing trend of economic growth is 9.3% in 2007 to 7.8% in 2008 and dipredikisi continue to fall to 6.3% in 2009.

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