Early Music: Music Before The Baroque for Charinet

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How would a clarinetist go about searching for a piece from the Medieval to the very end of the Baroque period? Well, that clarinetist should first realize that the repertoire from this timeframe is incredibly difficult to find on the internet. Not only that, the clarinet did not come into existence until around the 1700s, which would give it a mere fifty years in order to develop any sort of solo literature. So, how would one go about looking for early music to perform? Researching the predecessors of the clarinet would be the first step. From the Middle Ages to the Baroque, an instrument called the albogue or alboka was prominent around the Basque region in the western Pyrenees, a region between France and Spain. This instrument is a wind instrument being made of a wooden tube with a mouth piece and bell made from animal horn with uses a single reed to produce the sound. From the Baroque to around 1700, the chalumeau began to come to light and was the instrument that leads to the creation of the clarinet. The chalumeau is also a single-reed instrument. A cylindrical body with a total of eight tone holes, seven on the front of the instrument, and one on the back called the speaker key. The speaker key is the modern day equivalent of the register key on the clarinet. The chalumeau began to appear in music during the 1630s, originating in France and would soon spread into Germany by the latter half of the Baroque. The chalumeau did have a weakness however, being that due to the positions of the tone holes, the instrument had only a range of twelve notes. Musicians would then counteract this by creating multiple sizes of the chalumeau to produce a range from the bass to the soprano. By doing so, the chalumeau became an establish... ... middle of paper ... ...these early works would be no different as it is now as I do not have to learn any of the clarinets extended techniques that one would probably learn to play more modern pieces. Works Cited http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyJ3-QvZvI0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYtBQGlQWuw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6tHe0_cy64 http://www.allmusic.com/composition/concerto-for-2-clarinets-2-oboes-strings-amp-continuo-in-c-major-rv-560-mc0002388849 http://books.google.com/books?id=W9ucaUKJkw4C&pg=PA79&lpg=PA79&dq=baroque+music+for+clarinet&source=bl&ots=98ScYVUMnm&sig=f6HXpVqTER-#v=onepage&q=baroque%20music%20for%20clarinet&f=false https://www.melbay.com/Author/Default.aspx?AuthorId=38212 http://www.the-clarinets.net/english/clarinet-history.html http://www.clarinet.org/Anthology1.asp?Anthology=6 http://musiced.about.com/od/beginnersguide/a/clarinethistory.htm wikipedia.org

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