The Role Of Women In James Joyce's The Dubliners

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James Joyce wrote and published The Dubliners in the 1900s. During the majority of this time period, Ireland was thought of as one of the most oppressive countries in Europe. The Catholic Church was seen as the highest extent of the law and they did not encourage seeing women any higher than the second-class commonwealth of Ireland. In James Joyce’s The Dubliners, women are seen as victims of society, religion and the household. James Joyce leans towards feminism in how he portrays women in this book. However, even though most of the women in his stories face hardships and play against each other to get money, he promoted women’s suffrage through his short stories in The Dubliners.
Many women still face anti-feminism realities all over the …show more content…

Another one of these stories was “Eveline”. Many women of this time period were faced with the reality of choosing the future instead of holding on to the past in order to make a life. Eveline was mistreated by the men in her family but is not able to fully let go of the family relationship that she still found with them. This goes to show that women were underestimated for their compassion role in society. She wants to run away with the man she has been seeing for a long time. His name is Frank. She sees him as a way to escape and maybe have chance at a happier life but backs out of this decision when she hears an organ play in the streets that brought back memories of her mother’s death. Eveline shows the side of humans that desire routine and a need to feel safe in repeated routine. Paralysis is seen through the way she is frozen in her life because of routine and cannot let it go. Joyce blames the Catholic Church for the way women lived and people in general, lived their lives in fear of anything …show more content…

Mooney, Polly and Eveline, Joyce was able to openly address the lack of women’s rights in a way that appeases the public eye and the critical thinker. It seems as though Joyce’s female characters were mirror imitations of women in the 1900s. Women’s suffrage was not a myth by any means and James cunningly portrayed that in Dubliners. He was able to address the cruelty women faced in marriage and from men in general. In addition, women were under scrutiny from the Catholic Church and society as a whole. They had to accept where they were in life and deal with the suffocating sorrow that came with it. However, Joyce portrayed a side of women that was stronger than the oppressive men and the capability of making the heroine choice of self-sacrificial

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