Problem With Dress Code Essay

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The Problem with Dress Codes
Dress codes and their place in school has long been debated, but I firmly believe that dressed not only fail to achieve what they set out to do, but that they actually cause more harm than good. Dress codes are used to try and prevent young children and teenagers from getting stimulated and distracted by those around of the opposite gender, but in in attempting this schools instead enforce rules of a sexist nature. People of certain body types and weights are also overtly affected by many dress code policies from different school. One of the biggest arguments for dress codes and uniforms is that they help to improve behavior and school performance, but there are many reasons why this is not true. Thus, it should be …show more content…

It is claimed that students spend less time worrying about social and economic standing with dress codes or uniforms and can instead focus on studies. But this argument doesn’t take into account that wealthier students can still wear expensive jewelry and watches, along with being able to consistent buy new uniforms when they start to get too old or short. This wouldn’t than still leave poor students noticeable as they would be lacking accessories, as well as wearing uniforms or cloths that are old and possibly getting to short (Moussalli, 2012). It is also argued that uniforms reduce bullying, but in fact when students go to school in ill-fitting or worn-down cloths they become an even bigger target for bullying, making it worse when the school sends them home for possibly coming to school without a uniform because they only have enough money for one and some had prevented them from being able to wear it (Sherwin, 2015). In the end, uniforms and dress codes too little to promote good behavior, and in some ways, may even increase

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