Dreams Deferred in William Faulkner´s The Sound and the Fury and Sandra Sineros The House on Mango Street

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Dreams Deferred Tragedy is an ever present part of life, whether it be illness, inability, death or anything else, it takes its toll on everyone. A very common tragedy found in literature and daily life is the loss of dreams, in Langston Hughes’s poem “A Dream Deferred” Hughes poses the question of what truly happens to a deferred dream: “What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up… Or fester like a sore… Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over...Or does it explode?” The outcome of lost dreams differs for each individual and their attitude. This is seen throughout America and also in The Sound And The Fury by William Faulkner and The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. A common American drive is to live a perfect, stereotypical white picket fence life: to be married and have three kids, a dog, to live in the suburbs and make good money. Decades ago this dream was much more achievable, someone could come from nothing and make a life for his or herself; although, today, this dream is much more alluded to rather than obtained. With America’s economy in p...

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