DR Smelly: A Short Story

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That drive to nevada about did me in . Can you say PTSD ..thought you could! ...i went straight from the road to my bed counting the minutes til my scheduled DR visit . DR smelly I call him ( not his real name i call him that because it rhymes ) When he finally came in , he said " whoa kid, what has you all fired up today ! like you are wired or something..RELAX !! and i said "well ,i just drove straight through from Oklahoma city to Vegas ! It took a lots of hours, not sure how many But we ran into storm "gemini" in flagstaff or somwhere there abouts ..not sure how many hours it took or even what day it is ! Couldn't remember if my appointment was for 2 or 3pm .I tried to lay down when i got home but I couldn't sleep for worrying if I would miss yet another appointment and get charged for it, anyway ..I laid there and watched the clock..the one my husband said is still off by an hour..MY husband changed it on purpose a few months back thinking it would make me on time . IT DID NOT WORK .I WISH HE wouldn't do that ..IT DOES NOT help matters to have every clock in the house say a different time .JUST confuses me . WHY ,Trying to figure out which one is accurate is distraction enough to make me late!! and YES and I am out of my meds again been out for a while ..at least a week .. I decided the cost and benefits were not worth the hassle of trying to figure out where i put them every single day and making and keeping appointments so i cut way back on them again ..to make them stretch the way i always do and now as usual , i have no idea where the bottle is .What did you say they were for again ? he laughed and said " forgetfulness , hyperactivity and attention span" Oh yeah that's right!!." i said ."well I obviously don't need those ...

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...nothing to do with you personally and for that I apologize .I apologize for being such a difficult patient ..what can i say ..I am an idiot sometimes..BUT at least i am a funny idiot at times ..You even said so yourself ..I am one of kind .. GOD BLESS You Dr meli and Your wife and everyone else Battling there own battles with a disease or an illness of any kind tonight ..I learned yet another important lesson today and i was reminded ONCE AGAIN ..that we are never too old or young to not grow spiritually and try to become a better person ourselves ...All we can do is try our best to improve a little each day and PRAY ...I believe that with all my heart and I am amazed that it showed even in the place that I DO NOT LIKE going to at all ..I guess it showed and ..wow ..Thank you for noticing with so much on your mind and asking me to pray ..It made my day ... good night

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