The Downside of Technology Exposed in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

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Brave New World illustrates a utopian societie; however, the utopia Brave New World attempts to create is primarily governed by technological progress. The novel shows that an obsession with technological progress creates a dystopic society.

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World illustrates a utopian society; however, the utopia that Brave New World attempts to create is predominantly governed by technological progress. Throughout the novel, Aldous Huxley shows that an obsession with technological progress creates a flawed and dystopic society.

In the novel, Huxley exhibits a utopian society where the citizens are free of anxiety and discomfort due to technological advancements, and are conditioned from birth to agree with their social and economic status. The World State’s main goal is to create a society in which stability is achieved through technological progress, and in order to achieve stability, the World Controllers focus on creating a ‘perfect’ community. To produce this ‘perfect’ utopian community, the World Controllers apply advanced technology to create individuals u...

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