Persuasive Essay On Domestic Abuse

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Every fifteen seconds within the United States, at least one person faces domestic violence. (“Uniform Crime Reports”). The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as “a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.” This statement explains the basis of domestic violence, but there is much more depth when it comes to this act of abuse. The act of domestic violence affects not only the victims, but also their unknowing children. Children face consequences as a result of witnessing domestic abuse within their household and action needs to be taken to solve this ever-present issue.
The act of domestic violence can take many …show more content…

(National Statistics). Domestic abuse is not selective when it comes to its victims. One’s sexual orientation, gender, race, and/or religion does not matter. Anyone can face this act of abuse. Along with this, domestic abuse also affects all socioeconomic backgrounds. (The United States of America. U.S. Department of Justice.). Domestic violence is something that affects everyone, not only the person who is facing the abuse. Children who live within a household that domestic abuse takes place within face severe consequences. For instance, witnessing this abuse between one’s parents is known to carry a large risk of passing that aggressive behavior from this generation to the next, which is a never-ending cycle. Along with this fact, young men who witnessed domestic abuse on one of their parents is twice as likely to carry this aggression into their future relationships and therefore, they are more likely to abuse their partners and even their children. Children who live within these households with domestic violence are known to show signs of behavioral and emotional disturbances due to what they have seen. These disturbances typically include a lack of confidence, aggression, and withdrawal. Apart from these effects, thirty to sixty percent of perpetrators will abuse children within the household as told by …show more content…

Every year, domestic violence eclipses 5.8 billion dollars. (“Domestic Violence: Fast Facts on Domestic Violence”). If domestic abuse could be eradicated, this funding could be put towards other assets. Along with this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) stated that there have been almost eight million days of paid work lost due to injuries from domestic violence. It was stated by the CDC that, “this loss is the equivalent of more than 32,000 full-time jobs and almost 5.6 million days of household productivity as a result of violence.” (“Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States”). This is a huge loss for the country that could be mitigated if domestic abuse could be removed from the

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