The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Violence

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In the United States, domestic violence calls are one of the most common issues that police officers and other law enforcement personnel deal with. However, this approach places all involved in a reactionary mode rather than a preventive or proactive mode when dealing with domestic abuse. In order to both reduce the number of domestic violence occurrences and the resulting need for police intervention as well as protecting the abused; stronger prevention and early intervention programs should be implemented. Prevention programs aimed at our youth as well as correct identification of abusers to determine the appropriate intervention programs would help reduce domestic violence incidences. Although there are some existing laws and regulations for offenders, more could be done to enhance, monitor and establish better laws. If domestic violence incidents can be significantly reduced, then law enforcement resources can be freed up to focus on other critical social issues such as human trafficking and drug enforcement, which would also reduce the financial and emotional costs those issues have associated to them.
Based on a study conducted in 2000, 1.5 million women (approximately 25% of the female population) and about 834,732 men (approximately 7.6-14% …show more content…

The monetary cost of domestic violence is believed to be somewhere around 8.3 billion dollars annually, which is comprised of increased medical expenses (around 5.8 billion) and loss of productivity (2.5 billion) according to Dr. Robert Pearl. When added to the police, court and administrative costs associated with domestic violence the cost is likely much higher. Never mind the human suffering costs like a child witnessing or losing a parent to domestic violence. These types of costs have lifetime effects and is not one which a price can be attached

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