Domestic Violence In The Workplace Essay

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Domestic violence has become a significant issue in our society. Many incorrectly assume that domestic violence only impacts the victim, their friends and family at home. In reality, it is a much broader issue that affects ones colleagues, the workplace environment, and their ability to perform required tasks at work. However, little is being done to combat this issue within the workplace. There are many supports available for victims of domestic abuse. They range from counseling services, anonymous hotlines, and help groups, to a safe work environment and work protocols that may be put in place. Many companies do not provide support systems for employees who are victims of domestic violence due to the cost of these programs, they feel the …show more content…

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, “employers must furnish a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” However, no law exists which outlines the responsibility of a business to prevent or address home violence against its employees. (Dealing with Violence in the Workplace) Companies are not legally obligated to provide assistance to their employees regarding issues in their home life. However, caring and ethical organizations should feel a sense of responsibility for the well being of the whole person they employ, not just the ‘9-5 worker.’ This is a key decision for a business to make— choosing between a strictly profit-based ideology versus caring about each person they interact with, starting with their own employees. Progressive company policies towards domestic violence supports are one of many steps that a forward thinking company with solid leadership must …show more content…

The affected parties include the abuser, the victim, their friends and family, as well as all those who interact with the victim daily. Specifically, little attention is paid to the affect of domestic abuse on the workplace and workers. Little is being done in the world today, by business, society or the government, to combat the issue of domestic violence affecting the workplace. This inaction is due in part to the cost of providing assistance, companies displaying a lack of responsibility for the home lives of their employees, as well as the fact that many instances of domestic violence are not reported. A focus on profit is inherent in the values of most companies, and rightfully so; however, innovation is key to success in the modern world, and policies on domestic violence is an area in which innovation and change is sorely needed. In order to create a better, safer, and in the end, more profitable working environment, and because it is morally the right thing to do, companies must take action against domestic abuse by providing assistance to employees who are experiencing it. Leaders within companies and the business community as a whole must step up and set a new standard for domestic abuse

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