Persuasive Essay On Prisons

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We all can think of at least one person who has been in prison. Whether it would be someone famous, like Lindsey Lohan, Orlando Brown, or even Martha Stewart; or someone from a nearby town or even someone that was close to you. There are even games on escaping prisons in the market, one of the newest ones being The Escapists. “You do the crime, you do the time,” as the old saying goes about committing some felony and being punished for it in prison provided by the US “justice” system. However, is “doing the time” actually working? America holds approximately five percent of the world’s population, however, we hold about twenty-five percent of the world’s prisoners. Literally, one-fourth of criminals are in the United States right now, and …show more content…

“About sixty-eight percent of state prisoners were re-arrested fewer than three years after their release and 77% were re-arrested within five. When measuring the group arrested within five years, more than a third were incarcerated within their first six months.” They get so used to having their daily lives planned out for them, following strict orders, and getting punished every day, when they get out, they are unsure of how to live in the daily world. Plus, America makes it intentionally more difficult to live once you had committed a felony. They’re not allowed to get student loans, welfare, food stamps, or even public housing. Not only do they have high rates of returning, they also have high rates of homelessness and suicide. When you can’t get a job, you resort to stealing or even dealing drugs to get by in everyday life. You have to make money someway to survive in this country, and a lot of them will end up sending you to …show more content…

“There are more people behind bars today for a drug offense than there were in 1980 for all offenses combined.” In the 90s a mere eighty percent spike in arrests happened for marijuana possession. Just possession, not distribution. “A first-time drug offense carries a sentence of 5-10 years. In other developed countries, that sentence would be six months of jail time, if any at all.” Meanwhile, in other countries, marijuana is completely legal and haven’t arrested a single person over it. To them, it’s not worth the effort, it’s meaningless. If people are going to do it, let them do

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