Will God Forgive Us Essay

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When life is sweet, it is not hard to decide what we want our life to be. Say thank you and celebrate life.

When life become difficult, it is not easy to take one-step to move forward or take away.

We become wondered about what we need to do or need to be done.

Often our unanswered questions, needs, desires and prayers leave us blaming God and others to what happened in our life.

Does God really care who we are and how we are?
Where is God now?
It is sometimes hard to know or understand what is happening or going on.
Some will think that it might be that they have made so many mistakes in their life. God did not like it.
Many will think that it is time to die.

Others might think that they regularly attended church and worship Him from …show more content…

It is not unusual that so many questions occurs in people’s mind.
“I have never been to church for so long”
“Have I not overcome an addiction, alcoholic, pornography, or any other sinful nature?”
“I didn’t spend my time for prayer and reading bible”
“Will God forgive us?”
“I am a sinner“ “Will God forgive our sins?”
“Will God still accept us to reconcile with Him? “
“Am I not a Christian?”
“I don’t know Jesus
“How could I actually prove the existence of God and heaven?”
“Is God real?”
“Why doesn’t He hear my prayers?”
“Will God let us to be with Him in heaven?”
“What does the heaven looks like?”
“How can I tell that He cares or hears us while we are suffering or in challenging situation?”
Any unanswered these questions will lead or influence some people and others that they are not good enough. It might be that they are starting to get closer to Him, or they are refusing Him.
In terms of what you do, whom you are, how you are when and where you are at? Actually, He did not see the real events in our past and our current time.
Jesus, the Great Physician is not about to turn people away, but He reaches out to all types needy people.
Jesus answered them.
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the …show more content…

The Rich Young Man
As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knell before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.”
(Mark 10:17-18 NIV)
Why should we wonder that God is not good?
He is still helping the people at the end of their life.
Remember, the history of one of the criminals, was crucified with Jesus. This criminal admitted to have a faith in Jesus Christ to save him from the death and have an eternal life. Then he said,

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”” (Luke 23: 42 NIV).
Jesus was on the cross next to this dying criminal man. He told a convicted criminal crucified with him,
“Truly I tell you; today you will be in paradise.” (Luke 23: 43

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