The End Of Poverty: Movie Analysis

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The 2008 documentary The End of Poverty? is a film that focuses around global poverty and how it became the tragedy that it is today. Poverty was created by acts of military conquest, slavery and colonization that led to the confiscation of individual’s property and forced labor. However, today the problem remains because wealthy countries who take advantage of developing third world countries. The film interviews several activists who discuss how the issues became and several ways in which they could be eliminated, as well as interviews from individuals who are experiencing it firsthand.
The two main relationships within chapter twelve were media and politics, and economics and politics. While this film focused mainly around the issue of …show more content…

After describing how each IGO was founded and what their main purpose was it was clear to see that while their intentions seemed to come off as good the reality was that their efforts only corrupted and demoralized third world countries and their citizens even more. For example, when qualifying for, “the HIPC debt reduction or rescheduling, countries had to agree to follow IMF and World Bank measure for achieving creditworthiness,” which are also known as SAPs. Grigsby 301) “To accord with SAP requirements, for example, countries may be required to sell government-owned facilities (such as water delivery systems) or to initiate fees for using public schools or public health clinics. If a country refuses to introduce SAPs, it risks losing the loan.” (Grigsby 302) Therefore, this creates a double edged sword for the countries who are considering a loan from IGOs. Either take the loan and allow it to increase poverty within its borders because individuals cannot afford things that were originally free, or take the loan as well as agree to the requirements and allow their countries main form of income to be demolished and sent to other countries without seeing any of the profit. The catch is that IGO loans say they will help your country become debt free but so far there has only been proof that these loans only increase the amount of poverty and debt. IGOs are only creating false

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