Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

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Some people believe that violent video games cause some behavior problems. It is not true; it is only their opinion. Violent video games cause people to start having behavior problems, what was that cause? It is only people; it has no effect on them, only their own action and their weak health issue. The violent video games for computers and consoles’ sale rate went up but violent crime offense went down. Video games are for players to have fun without cause any harm while they playing. Why do they believe that behavior problems were caused by violent video games? They have not realized the televisions and movies do have the violent scenes. Violent movies like First Blood, Expendables, Dark Knight, Spiderman, and Superman. The Actions movies have some shooting, explosion, and fighting. Horror have some violent as well, Halloween, Scream, and Saw. Horror show and movie are showing some stabs and serious harm. And ever Television shows, Three Stooges, Cops, wrestling and America Funniest Video! Plus cartoon has violent; Disney animated films, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Teenage Mut...

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