Grades-The First Road To Success

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What does success mean to you? This essay will show how one ordinary man changed the lives 15 young men and put them on the road to success as it inspired many to do the same with their lives. It will also show how grades should come before anything else. Education in school is the 1st road to success. You will have more job opportunities through the subjects that you learn in school than any other extracurricular activity. Some kids believe that they can rely on other talents to help get them through life. Those talents could be band or sports. But only two percent of all college athletes make it to the pro’s. There are also not enough music careers to include everybody either. The most important thing that you can do to have success is to listen in the classroom. Coach Ken Carter was born in Fernwood, MS and then moved with his family from a small town in Mississippi to the big city of Richmond, CA. During his high school years, he played basketball from 1973 to 1977 setting all kinds of records for scoring, assists, and steals that would stay on for 30 years until his own son, Damien, would break all of them. Carter then went to college. He attended two very prestigious universities, George Fox and San Francisco State on basketball scholarships. As a job, he purchased and operated two sporting goods stores, a saloon, and a barbershop. He was then offered a job to coach the struggling Richmond High School basketball team, who had a 4-22 record the year before. In the beginning of the season, he have his players sign contracts to sign telling them to meet certain academic standards. They included maintaining a 2.3 GPA, attending all their classes, sitting in the front row of those classes, wearing a tie on gameday, and addressi... ... middle of paper ... ...rade you’d think they would complete it. One of the top reasons that a person does not complete their work is called sports. Sports drain a lot of precious time that could be used for doing homework. “These boys are student-athletes. Student comes first,” argued Ken Carter to his player’s parents. Another big reason is that a student will just not do their work. They feel that they have got bigger and better things to do and they don’t care what will happen to them in the future. No matter what goes on in life, school is the 1st road to success. So ask yourself, what does success mean to you? Hopefully this speech brings the same message that Ken Carter taught his player. Also the same message, that drove them to find that grades should come before any other extra curricular activity that helped them and so many others to achieve one of the #1 goal in life-success.

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