The Discovery of Embrionic Stem Cells

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When scientists discovered that stem cells could be used to repair the human body, they created one of the biggest controversies of all time. Stem cells are bare cells discovered in the human corpse that contain the ability to produce identical copies of themselves for extended periods of time. Stem cells are different because they can operate to specialize into blood, brain, tissue, and muscle cells. Stem cells contain the capability to progress the field of medical treatment in a plethora of ways. There are two main types of stem cells that are called adult and embryonic. Both types are categorized by their potential to differentiate into other cell types Adult stem cells come from children and adults. Adult stem cells can change into only a certain amount of other cells. They can however split forever, thus allowing them to produce a range of cell forms. Embryonic cells come from a five-day-old human embryo that is in the blastocyst phase of development and are usually extra embryos from in vitro fertilization (IVF). They have the ability to specialize into around two hundred different cell types. Also in many tissues they can be a type of internal repair system, separating fundamentally with no constraint to refill other cells only if the thing is still breathing. Each new cell has the capability to stay a stem cell or become a different type of cell with a more particular role. Stem cells are disparate from other cell types because they are no specialized cells able to regenerate themselves through cell division. Adult stem cells live within the human body after embryonic development and are located within diverse types of tissue. These have been discovered in tissues like the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skelet... ... middle of paper ... ...s to experiment, but embryonic stem cells are more flexible. The main issues involve opposition to stem cell research. People believe that conducting research on the embryonic stem cells should be avoided. Scientists have been researching for twenty years, yet there has not been an improved treatment or human trial. The side effects of embryonic stem cells included production of tumors and malignant carcinomas, transplant rejections, and the wrong kinds of cells are formed. The need for harvesting a woman's eggs for embryonic research increases the risks associated with cancer, infertility, memory loss, stroke, seizure, and death. The research increases the probability for increased possibilities for commercial exploitation of women to collect their eggs. Ronald D. G. McKay thinks many people believe in stem cells because they need a fairy tale or an ounce of hope.

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