Influence Of Chain Of Command Organizations

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Leadership Influence
A school’s lifeblood is its students however, a school’s lifeline stems from the community partnerships that it forms and retains over the years of its existence in the community. Just as times change, so does the list of potential partners within the community. One of the most valuable resources a school can use in its quest to form community partnerships is the faces, voices, and support of its leadership staff. Schools typically have an internal chain of command; however, the quest for partnerships requires that the chain of command, littered with bureaucratic red tape, be abandoned in exchange for one where those in decision-making positions are more easily accessible to members of the community. The following is a …show more content…

In contrast to following chain-of-command concerns, there is the idea of maintaining an open door policy. Often times, those who are in a chain of command are able to handle various items more adequately than those who are in higher positions. Leapfrogging over one command post to take an issue higher up often ends up with the issue trickling down to the person who was bypassed and lends itself to the development of ill feelings. Additionally, enforcing chain of command type of organization means that the teamwork concept may not be fully embraced. Chain-of-command organizations seem to be geared towards generating competition among others and a focus on upward mobility of one 's own self rather than seeing others rise to the top together (Pinchot & Pinchot, 2002). Leaders must transition from being someone who is authoritative and saves the day to someone who leads by example and desires to succeed as a team. Chain of command communication is important when those in leadership positions feel it is more important than the mission. However, if chain of command is that high up the ladder of importance then students are not really first and that is something that needs to

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