Disappearing Messages in the Workplace: Confide

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There was not much history and background of private messaging applications. Private messaging applications were purposely created to avoid private messages from being read by an unauthorized individual and be untraceable or destroyed after the messages were read. With the recent success and popularity of the application called Snapchat in 2014 and its disappearing messages, Confide application developers created the application based on the same idea for apple only devices but will develop an android version in the future. The difference was that Confide was created to be used in the business workplace and benefit the employers who implemented it. Confide allowed business users to send confidential messages that were not able to be leaked or be traced through the legal discovery process that was used for emails. The private messaging applications replaced the traditional email and phone call communication that it was either beneficial or treacherous to the businesses depending on their business ethics. The case had some details that were beneficial and detrimental to the businesses. The details were that if a message needed to be traced, it was not going to happen because the process of legal discovery that was used on email communication could not be used the same way. With that in mind, employers raised concerns about how the businesses were vulnerable to unethical improper communication and behavior by the individuals and Confide suppressed them. The common issues that were triggered from the usage of Confide in the workplace could have been discrimination, sexual harassment, and insider trading of information. The benefits of Confide was that the application interface made it difficult for the messages to become unconfident... ... middle of paper ... ... Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.davenport.edu/docview/445919605?accountid=40195 Disappearing text app 'confide' may make it easier for spouses to cheat. (2014, January 8). Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Huffington Post website: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/08/phone-app-cheating_n_4564010.html iPhone tracking software. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Retina X Studios LLC website: http://www.retinax.com/mobile-tracking/iphone.php Small business trends: Confide app let’s businesses keep text messages off-the-record. (2014, February 7). Newstex Entrepreneurship Blogs. Retrieved from ProQuest database. Whitlock, D. C. (2012, September). How to manage and regulate social media in the workplace. Building and Construction, 38. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.davenport.edu/docview/1173891821/80A48A677FDC4E84PQ/2?accountid=40195

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