What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Flipping The Classroom And Digital Learning?

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Flipping classrooms and digital classes refer mostly to an online based learning in which the instructor applies instruments like lectures that are recorded for the students to enable them to be able to learn nearly from anywhere. This process has several advantages, which include;
Flipping the classroom and digital learning empowers students to take charge of their learning thus helping them to develop confidence. The fact that they are able to start, stop, rewind the video, and even watch it as many times as they want to by this technology gives them the ability to control how often and when they get information. With this, they are able to internalize the concepts and develop …show more content…

These include;
Some schools and students, especially those from low-income school districts lack the technology needed in a flipped classroom. It may therefore not be successfully applied in such places and the teachers there may opt to retain the traditional method. Also giving the students the online lectures does not guarantee that they will actually watch them and come to class prepared. Flipping the classrooms may also lead to a larger workload for the teacher because it requires managing multiple tasks within multiple standards (Pappas, 2015).
Also the advancement of technology has enabled increased collaboration through software. Such software are made to facilitate the process of learning for the student with or without the teacher being around. The learners are now able to connect with fellow learners outside the classroom walls, converse with them, create, and publish authentic, meaningful, and beautiful work. This occurs when such technological change becomes ecological, when the classroom walls are obliterated, when students truly drive their own learning, and when people whom we will never meet in person become some of our best teachers (Richardson,

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