Operant Conditioning Essay

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This paper will define and describe the different types of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is a sort of learning where behavior is ruled by the outcome. It is a process where an individual learns to repeat behaviors for a positive outcome or to avoid a negative outcome. B.F. Skinner (1904-1920) was a psychologist and he developed the theory of operant conditioning. Skinner was the first to explain operant conditioning and establish two dissimilar types of stimuli that can be utilized as punishments. Skinners examinations in operant conditioning required the utilization of shaping. Skinner would shape the rats behavior so that they learned to press a button that would give them food as a prize. Key concepts in operant condition are …show more content…

It can be a successful way to fortify the desired behavior. Negative reinforcement can create rapid results, but it is best suited when utilized temporary. An example would be taking a shower to get rid of a nasty odor. The odor is present so the person decides to take a shower to remove the unpleasant odor. By showering, the odor goes away which will then make it more likely for that person to shower when they smell bad again. Another example of such thing would be if a student does not follow directions in a classroom. The student then loses a token for not behaving properly and losses the possibility to cash the token in for a …show more content…

According to McConnell (1990), “negative punishment results from the withdrawal of a positively reinforcing stimulus” (p. 2). An example of such thing would be if siblings were to get into a fight over a video game. The parents therefor are forced to take the video game away to decrease the bad behavior between one another. By removing something that is wanted because of their actions makes them avoid doing this more frequently. Another example would be if a teenage boy remains out a couple of hours past his curfew. When he arrives home his parents ground him for a month for not obeying their

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