The Differences Between Leadership and Management: Lee Kwan, Tolson and Orwell

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Leadership and Management are the essential requirements needed for the functioning and fulfillment of any organized body of people in the world. If any team is to succeed or fail in terms of achieving its goals, the leadership and the management of the team determines. Even though Leadership and Management are not the same, many people confuse the two to be (Team Technology, 2014). I agree with Peter F. Drucker’s quote: “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things”. In Peter’s quote, he uses the same words in defining Leadership and Management. From this, one can infer Leadership and Management are not the same, but they are linked and separating the two would probably do more harm than good. This paper explains, compares and brings out the differences between Leadership and Management using the following topics covered in my Leadership One class: Know Yourself, Pragmatic Leadership, The Great Debaters Movie and Pleasing the Masses.
Leadership is defined as the process of influencing people to bring out their best in achieving a desired result by developing and communicating a vision for the future, inspiring them and gaining their commitment and engagement (Armstrong, 2009). A leader has people willing to follow his or her direction and approach as a result of being able to influence and persuade them. It is through this effect that leaders get their authority and power from (, 2009).
Reflecting on the topic, Pragmatic Leadership, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore fits the above explanation of a leader. He influenced the people of Singapore to bring out their best in achieving a desirable country, when they had a deplorable economic situation in the 1960’s. He developed and communicat...

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Team Technology. (2014). Leadership and Management: what is the difference? Retrieved April 19, 2014, from

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