Differences Between Christianity And Islam

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“Religion—or at least, religious inquiry—is something that virtually everyone has in common. In all corners of the world and in all eras of history, humans have wondered about the origins of the universe, the purpose of life, what it means to be human, and what happens after death” (religionfacts, par. 1). Christianity and Islam are two out of the 4,200 religions that give people a sense of beliefs and what it means to be human. They are also two of the most popular religions. (Chappell, par. 3) Islam gets its name from the Arabic language, which means to “surrender”. The Islamic religion believes that people should surrender to the will of Allah(also known as god.) One way that is to be believed that the Christianity religion got its name is by being a follower of christ. Another way Christians got their name according to the webster dictionary is from a greek word “Christos.” (Webster, sec. 3)
In the United Nations article 18 states “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (UDHR, art. 18) Although many people around the world get …show more content…

Christianity is an older religion, it started ____ in Judea, which is now Israel. Jesus Christ was a jew while he was 30 he traveled with other jews to a town, teaching those and healing the suffering. His teachings created instability and moved the minds of the people. He started to gain followers, sharing his beliefs about God, and humans. The group began to spread the gossip about hope throughout the town. With a small group formed, the religion Christianity formed also, spreading their beliefs throughout the world. After Jesus was sacrificed for our sins, the Christian religion lived on, (History Of Christianity, sec.

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