Is Life Fair Essay: Life Is Not Fair?

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Have you ever been in an argument with your siblings or your parents and you end up not liking the outcome so you yell at the top of your lungs, “That’s not fair!”? And have they ever come back with the saying, “Life is not fair!”? That has happened to me numerous of times and if I sit there and think about it for a second I realize that life is not fair, not in the least bit. It doesn’t even try to disguise itself as fair it just keeps throwing stuff at us. But for some reason we humans want things to be fair even if they are not supposed to be. Life should not be viewed as fair because people would be given exactly what they deserve when what they really need is grace, instead we should give them justice, but honestly what is the difference between fairness and justice? We often confuse the terms justice and fairness. We assume that if something is just it has to be fair. Well it doesn’t always work that way. What if you see a really sick horse and you want to help it, but you realize that the best thing you can do for it now is to put it out of its misery. This horse just so happens to belong to a little girl who is very fond of the horse. Is it fair to the little girl to see her favorite pet die? But is it fair to the horse to make it suffer through more and more misery? No neither is fair, but one is just. The definition of fair in …show more content…

We often over look the grace that we are given and we just want what is fair so it will benefit us more, but we need to look at the tables when they are turned to see what it is like when we are getting exactly what we deserve and we are the ones begging for mercy. Instead we need to give people justice, but grace. God is being justice in giving us part of our punishment, but he found a way to take away the worst part of it making our gift of life more like grace then just being fair to us because if we were treated fairly this would not

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