Analysis Of The Paleo Diet Vs. Standard American Diet

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The topic I plan to research is the Paleo Diet vs Standard American Diet. The purpose of this paper is to present how the shift in the standard American diet to an emphasis on grains, sugars, refined and processed foods, as well as dairy and the major government subsidized crops (soy, corn, wheat, dairy, etc) has made our society less healthy and reverting back to Paleo is the alternative. I do believe that the audience will be a mix of some who agree with me, some who disagree with me, some and who don’t know enough about it to decide without further reading and research. There are people who think that milk is the foundation of nutrition (and I don’t), and there are people who think that going about life eating processed foods isn’t harmful to their health because they don’t know any better and “everyone does it”.
As for the tone, I don 't plan to sugar coat the downsides of eating a typical American diet. I intend to have a bit of shock value in the major points that would convince the reader to think differently …show more content…

This campaign has misinformed Americans about what is good for their health. The government has gone as far as putting vitamins in our foods and flouride in our water because they believe they know what 's best, but the evidence is we are a sick and glutinous society despite these "healthy" mandates from the government.
I have been learning all I can about the effects of nutrition on my personal health (and my family) over the past 10 or so years. By trial and error, reading books, and through various internet forums and asking a lot of questions I have already learned a great deal on this subject. Changing my own diet had such a dramatic impact on my health I am convinced it would do that for more people if they could separate themselves from the status quo and the addictive nature of the ingredients in our "regular"

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