Summary Of Benjamin Franklin: Unemployment And Debt In American Regeneration

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Did Franklin Include Unemployment and Debt in American Regeneration? In “The Way to Wealth” Benjamin Franklin writes, “We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly” trying to prove a point that frequently people are being taxed an outrageous amount and are taxing themselves extra by actions like spending excessive amounts of money (Franklin 237). Throughout Franklin’s “The Way to Wealth,” he explains how an American economy should work and maintain a stabilized economy for themselves. In the American realm today, about 5.0% of people find themselves facing unemployment, a time of stress and conflict (“Databases, Calculators & Tables by Subject”). With the unemployment rates rising for the first time since February of 2015, the American economy is also facing an increase in debt levels throughout personal households …show more content…

The American economy struggling originates from people taxing themselves as a result of idleness, pride, and folly, leading to a downward economic spiral. For the economy to return to a low unemployment rate and little to no debt people may want to read “The Way to Wealth” in order to learn about industry and how to avoid future money mistakes. Franklin wrote a persuasive sermon in order to convince people to change the financial status created from idleness, pride and folly. In the modern society American people need to create a stable economy for both themselves and the future generations. In order to understand the importance of unemployment rates and debt rates in comparison to Franklin’s “The Way to Wealth” idleness, pride and folly must be analyzed in

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