Compare And Contrast Durkheim And Weber The Development Of Society

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the development of society. It seemed like Weber dislike for traditional and things like supernatural, religion as irrational because they didn’t have a systematic development and instead they depend on personal perceptions which included feelings and emotions that are part of irrationality. Conversely, Weber liked a rationality that was made up of social actions that were practiced with reason or reasoning, calculation and the pursuit of personal interest. In addition, Weber believed that rationality was also part of the rational legal authority and that these had certain characteristics such as calculations. With this, he meant that businesses and institutions would come up calculations of methods that would give results and help achieve the goals. Efficiency is another one with …show more content…

Moreover, Weber thought rationality was helpful for organizations to operate in an efficient manner. He knew that even in modern societies rationality would expand into more and more societies because it was necessary for organizations to operate efficiently. However, he also feared that so much of this would increase the control of the individual limiting human action. These have been some of the features both Durkheim and Weber identified as distinctive of the modern era. The reason why these processes have such an important role in modern society is because they helped society evolve and as time passed these processes improved more and more helping society progress. For example Durkheim’s Division of labor had a key role in solidarity which it was reflected on organic solidarity. It helped societies evolve from simple to complex that leads to today’s social integration. Perhaps if it wasn’t for this shift the social systems of society wouldn’t be as coordinated as it is in many societies. It created a collective dependency to work amongst each other that in the long run helps

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